A builder/developer is usually anxious to offer his property on the market without the risk of hazardous substances and in line with environmental and employee protection. Contamination investigation is thus linked to the deconstruction (i.e. demolition, conversion) of existing buildings.
Building pollutants in building construction include asbestos, old mineral wool (SMF/MMMF), coal tar and bitumen products (PAH), PCBs, wood preservatives, halogenated CFCs (in polystyrene), and mercury (in illuminants).
With the Austrian Recycling Building Materials Ordinance 2016 and the associated ÖNORMs (Austrian standards for building materials), a person who is familiar with dismantling has to carry out an investigation of harmful substances and impurities prior to the demolition or deconstruction of buildings with more than 750 t of residual building mass. Specific construction volumes define the scope of the investigation.
A professional investigation of pollutants and impurities forms the basis for an efficient (time, scope, costs) and orderly remediation and also offers the builder/developer the following added value:
- Ensure the value of the property
- Prerequisite for building certification (DGNB/ÖGNI, LEED, BREEAM, ÖGNB/TQB)
- Plannable construction management in accordance with the applicable environmental and waste laws
- Avoidance of user complaints, loss of reputation or environmental penalties
The investigation of pollutants and contaminants takes place in the form of document studies (inventory plans or notices/requirements, etc.), inspections, sampling including laboratory analysis and results in comprehensive results/photo documentation. If necessary, a remediation concept and a rough cost estimate are drawn up on this basis.
The investigation is typically carried out in the early phase of a project, since any redevelopments must be carried out before demolition or conversion and therefore have a significant influence on further construction planning.
Your key contact is:
Mr. Albrecht MALCHEREK
Phone: +43 152169-265